LMR® UltraFlex has a stranded center conductor and rubber outer jacket designed for multiple bending/flexing cycles. It is used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

LMR® UltraFlex has a stranded center conductor and rubber outer jacket designed for multiple bending/flexing cycles. It is used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

LMR® UltraFlex has a stranded center conductor and rubber outer jacket designed for multiple bending/flexing cycles. It is used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

LMR® UltraFlex has a stranded center conductor and rubber outer jacket designed for multiple bending/flexing cycles. It is used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

LMR® UltraFlex has a stranded center conductor and rubber outer jacket designed for multiple bending/flexing cycles. It is used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

LMR® Cables Categories

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Identifying the proper tools for a job, making sure that you have all of the necessary tools and storing them in a way that is quickly accessible when working remote on a job site, has been a timeless struggle.

Ideal for…

  • Jumper Assemblies in Wireless Systems
  • Short Antenna Feeder runs
  • Applications requiring an easily routed, low loss RF cable.

Identifying the proper tools for a job, making sure that you have all of the necessary tools and storing them in a way that is quickly accessible when working remote on a job site, has been a timeless struggle.

Ideal for…

  • Jumper Assemblies in Wireless Systems
  • Short Antenna Feeder runs
  • Applications requiring an easily routed, low loss RF cable.

Identifying the proper tools for a job, making sure that you have all of the necessary tools and storing them in a way that is quickly accessible when working remote on a job site, has been a timeless struggle.

Ideal for…

  • Jumper Assemblies in Wireless Systems
  • Short Antenna Feeder runs
  • Applications requiring an easily routed, low loss RF cable.

LMR Inventory

Instabend Space Phase Stable 047 2.92 (m) to 2.92 (f) straight 6" Assembly

IBPS047-KMKF-6.0IN xyz 6.0
IBPS047-KMKF-6.0IN xyz 8.0
IBS047-KMKM-12.0IN xyz 6.0
IBS047-SMSM-4.0IN xyz 4.0

LMR® Connectors

LMR® connectors include a wide variety of interface types. Advantage -X series feature of solderless contact and a ‘”no braid trim’ design, improving assembly, reducing FOD, and making them the preferred choice for quick and reliable field installations. Most interfaces are also available in a solder-pin TC version.

LMR® Tools

Identifying the proper tools for a job, making sure that you have all of the necessary tools and storing them in a way that is quickly accessible when working remote on a job site, has been a timeless struggle.